5 good reasons to become an entrepreneur this year


Do you have a business creation idea in mind? Do you have an idea for making money outside of your job ? Fancy a change and a little excitement? Tired of imposed schedules and queuing at the coffee machine? If you answer yes to all of these questions, then the entrepreneurial adventure is for you. So to help you get started , here are 5 good reasons to quit a salaried job and become an entrepreneur in 2017.

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1- Becoming an entrepreneur means being your own boss

Becoming your own boss is one of the main motivations of those who decided to make their idea of   starting a business a reality. The status of entrepreneur brings freedom both professionally and in the private sphere.

Becoming your own boss has an attractive side:

less constraints,

work in autonomy and independently,

without accountability to anyone (or almost ...).

Creating an online business or becoming a digital nomad makes it possible, for example, to work from home and from anywhere, without being forced to follow fixed schedules.

2- Entrepreneurship is an investment in the future

What could be better than investing in your own project ? By being the initiator of the project, the entrepreneur receives 100% of the profits of his business , so it is a very good way to make his money grow.

Obviously, the beginnings can be tough but it's a great challenge . And within our new generations, the search for a challenge is essential. More and more young people want to make their business creation idea a reality . In addition, anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit knows that setting up their own business or setting up their online business is the best way to achieve financial independence .

3- Entrepreneurship is a great adventure

It is true that an entrepreneurial project is often born from an idea to earn money . But making a business creation idea a reality is above all a great human adventure that allows you to mature and discover sometimes unsuspected traits of your personality.

Becoming an entrepreneur is also a source of personal enrichment : you test new things, you learn, you discover, you become autonomous ... Who says entrepreneur also says flexibility. And yes it is the opportunity to touch everything, to learn new 'skills'!

4- Starting a business allows you to do what you love

Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to do what you love. Whether it is a passion that has always followed us or a new idea that is close to our heart, it is generally a project in which we are ready to invest 100%.

5- Entrepreneurship: the excitement of change

Ditch everything to start your own business , that makes more than one dream! So if you take the plunge, you will have the pleasure of:

discover a new way of life,

to meet new people,

learn (and not just a little!),

and maybe to "change the world" with an innovative idea.

No more monotony, no more time to get bored when you undertake!

An idea to start a business, a project? The attractive adventure of entrepreneurship is waiting for you! A little advice: do not forget to estimate the energy and the time that it will be necessary to invest in it.

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