How to increase your self-confidence


How to Increase Your Self-Confidence ?

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How to increase your self-confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important qualities that an individual must possess, and this is what makes many human development professors write volumes and hold seminars in order to teach the individual how to increase their self-confidence.

Because without self-confidence, the individual cannot take positive steps in his life or make sound decisions because he is very simply hesitant and always afraid of making a mistake as a result of a wrong decision he makes

Here are some steps that help a person to strengthen the personality of the individual and thus increase his self-confidence, and this entails a lot of benefits from advancement in working life and making sound decisions that make him the object of interest from everyone and much depends on him in most situations.

The first step is to speak slowly and clearly

The person to whom the answer to the question of how to increase your confidence in yourself must wait while speaking and talking with others until he proves to those in front of him that his words are important and his speech is desirable, and it is certain that it benefits the person receiving the speech, because the person who lacks confidence in himself finds him speaking quickly because Feel that modern is unimportant.

The second step is a permanent smile

A smile is a beautiful expression that is able to absorb anger or draw the attention of those around you, so it is considered one of the mood-improving drugs, so it is one of the second steps of self-confidence recommended by human development experts and self-development as part of the answer to the question of how to increase your self-confidence.

Therefore, they always advise to combine the smile with the progress of peace and greetings to those around you, because this smile makes those around you feel that you are a confident person, and in addition to the smile, you can look into the eyes of those in front of you while talking to him because it is one of the strongest signs of self-confidence.

The third step is to deal with oneself softly

The person who searches in volumes that talk about how to increase your self-confidence in order to develop and increase confidence in himself must possess the cornerstone, which is his ability to love himself first, not in the sense of selfishness, but self-love and appreciation makes a person expel thoughts and negative energy within him.

Because some people, because of the negative energy inside them, make them have a problem with themselves, that they always blame themselves, and once an incorrect decision is taken, the person criticizes the destructiveness of his personality with the hope and the basis that he is raising and educating himself, but because of this method the person can destroy himself by himself and become a person Spineless.

 Therefore,in order for the individual to develop himself and confidence in himself, he must improve the relationship between him and himself by increasing his love for himself, arranging and treating internal thoughts, dividing these thoughts and expelling the negative ones, and teaching the body to control the body’s reaction to any situation. Hence, self-confidence is increased.

The fourth step is to set small, achievable goals

It is known that one of the ingredients for enhancing self-confidence is the individual's feeling that he is able to achieve his ambition and accomplish his work, so the individual must make a list of a set of simple goals that he can achieve and then start gradually increasing the goals until he increases confidence in himself based on the success he has achieved. to achieve greater goals.

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Step Five: Treat others kindly

We always find a self-confident individual who deals kindly and softly with others and tries to bring joy and happiness to their hearts and draw laughter on their faces.

Things that help increase self-confidence.

We find a person who is always self-confident, elegant and has an attractive appearance, and this is by constantly taking a shower, grooming his hair and trimming his nails, unlike a person who is not confident in himself. Walking or going to the gym.

You must take a sufficient amount of rest so that the shaking of nerves, insomnia and exposure to wrong decisions disappear, and you must stay away from places with negative energy. Wearing clean and beautiful clothes is one of the elements in answering the question of how to increase your confidence in yourself.

How to strengthen self-confidence in relation to others

You must be a source of confidence in others. You should stay away from teaching a person how to think, with the need to include these people who suffer from a loss of confidence in groups that strengthen the spirit of teamwork and express opinions, a chance should be given to people with a lack of confidence in themselves the freedom to speak with themselves.

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